Advent II


I will listen to what the LORD God is saying, *

for he is speaking peace to his faithful people

and to those who turn their hearts to him.

Psalm 85:8

On View: Tracings of Eternal Light (Cross) by John Sager; Assemblage (Broken auto glass, cookie cutter, glass, frame) Date/Size: 13″ x 9″ x 4.75″ (2005)

Tracings of Eternal Light (Cross) and (Angel) — Two in a series of artworks

The art of assemblage is the real joining of separate objects into a cohesive whole. The word “religion” is derived from a word meaning to reconnect. The religious task is to put the split life back together. Where the two become one in a commingling is often where the individual glimpses the Eternal Being.I try to turn chaos into order by whatever means possible, sometimes by accident. The contour line of the angel, surrounded by the mass of broken glass, is just waiting for the light to fill her. The same for the cross: “In my deepest wound I see your glory and it dazzles me.” — St. Augustine

About the Artist: John Sager’s unique assemblage sculptures and collages have been featured in numerous gallery, museum and university shows across the U.S. His sculpture was also included in a gallery tour of New Zealand to mark the centennial of Joseph Cornell’s birth. He is represented by Hooks-Epstein Galleries in Houston. He has received 16 jurors’ awards, including a major award from the McKinney Avenue Contemporary Museum in Dallas. More of John Sager’s work is on view at The Artists Registry.

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