African Bishops call for intervention

A group of bishops from across the southern continent of Africa have issued a call for their governments to intervene in Zimbabwe. They have also asked the United Nations dispatch an envoy to help break the political impasse in that country.

The statement specifically calls for Mugabe to “abide by the results of the March 29 election”.

From news reports:

“In a statement on Friday, the Bishops from Botswana, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, who met in Pretoria, said they had noted ‘with sadness’ the delay in the announcement of the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election.

[…]The church said it was time for a large scale diplomatic offensive by SA and other international players.”

Read the full article here.

See, also, this commentary at Project Syndicate by Archbishop Tutu and Aryeh Neier (President of the Open Society Institute and founder of Human Rights Watch).

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