From the Richmond Times Dispatch
A generous call to communion during a sermon last November gently demanded of an intruding inquirer something more of himself. The small voice was heard. And as he slept he dreamed a dream. Subsequent lessons taught that Scripture, reason, and tradition comprise a foundation firm yet not confining. There is much to be said for the temperament of a prayer-book people. Pew aerobics iron out the kinks. The decision was made, or, to put it perhaps more accurately, at last understood.
“The candidates for baptism will now be presented.” Bishop and rector performed the rite. As sponsor, a friend of many years stood nearby. While man may be a creature of doubt, of the rightness of Sunday’s bow at the font the doubts were none. “Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace.”
The Episcopal Church practices infant baptism. This child of God is 58.
Todd Culbertson is the editor of the editorial pages of the Richmond Times Dispatch.
Tom, we receive you into the household of God.