An election today

The Diocese of California will elect its next bishop today. I am not in a position to make a prediction, but I can pass on what I have heard from several observers with no horse in the race, dog in the fight, etc.

During the public forums, Mark Andrus, the suffragan bishop of Alabama and Eugene Sutton, canon pastor at Washington National Cathedral seemed to perform best. Or so I am told. For what it is worth, etc.

Neither of these gentleman is gay. I don’t think leaders of gay organizations like the Rev. John Kirkley of Oasis California and the Rev. Susan Russell of Integrity were kidding when they said that they hope the voters in California will elect the candidate who seems the best fit for their diocese.

It may be that after all is said and done the sexual orientation of the candidates will have played an extremely small role in the outcome of this election.

The restult of the first ballot should be online by about 10:45 Pacific time. You can follow the returns (if you are a serious church junkie!) here.

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