An occasion for gay bashing and scapegoating.

Ordained while gay — it’s the new driving while black.

In a revealing campaign, Anglican Mainstream seeks to persuade you that sex with children reveals whether you are gay. And it’s using the Catholic sex abuse story to make its claims.

(And also is an apologist for that church’s handling of sexual abuse.) Anglican Mainstream claims the problem is not with the church, but with homosexuals in the priesthood. According to its website, the “Primatial Adviser” of Anglican Mainstream is The Most Rev Drexel Gomez, former Archbishop of the West Indies who chaired the committee that drafted the Anglican Covenant.

Here’s a list of recent April posts (from oldest to newest) to shine a cleansing light upon:

Commentary: The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers

The very secularists and libertine Catholics who wanted the aberrant sexual revolution to enter the Church in the 1960s and 1970s now hold Pope Benedict XVI responsible for its lingering effects. This takes considerable gall, but that has never stopped them before.

Moreover, what moral authority and “credibility” do they bring to the issue of protecting children, exactly? These are the same people who favor the abortion of unborn children. They favor the high-brow child abuse of turning children over to homosexual couples at gay adoption agencies.

Clergy Sexual Abuse Study: It’s Time for Common Sense

If researchers don’t consider an adult male’s sexual attraction to a teenaged boy a flashing neon sign for homosexuality, then I’m not entirely sure I want to know what they do consider proof.

We want the “filth” cleaned out of the Church; and we will not tolerate any attempt to sweep it under the carpet.

Commentary: Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal Is Not A Pedophilia Crisis But A Homosexual Crisis

Moral panic flares again

While it may hardly be politically correct to say so, there is a fact that is much more important: over 80 percent of paedophiles are homosexuals, that is, males who abuse other males.

Pope Benedict’s critics don’t care about kids

Recall that the New York Times and other liberal newspapers roundly denounced him for one of his first major reforms as pope: a directive issued to bishops that banned the ordination of homosexuals. That is not the liberal elite’s idea of reform, even though most of the abuse cases involve homosexual pederasty. Hence, they blame Benedict for a lax and dysfunctional priesthood while at the same time hectoring him for not letting homosexuals into it.

Sociological backgrounder to sexual abuses

Any action of a priest abusing his authority to obtain sexual favors is highly reprehensible. Nevertheless, according to Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna, the Vatican official who deals with these cases, paedophilia or sexual relation with prepubescent children represents 10% of the cases reported to the CDF. About 60% are homosexual acts with adolescents and 30% with women.

… People have tried to reengineer human nature and redefine marriage and the family.

As a result, we have a society which has very few rules about sexuality and which fosters the development of individualistic, narcissistic persons with little respect for the few rules which remain. This leads to regarding sexual misconduct as a “right to diversity”.

Pattern Emerges in Selective Coverage of Abuse

A few media outlets do not yet get it, but a broad consensus is emerging that Pope Benedict deserves credit, not condemnation, for his now long-standing efforts to clean up filth that spilled over into parts of the Church during the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s. … Ratzinger … was among the first to begin “decoding” this program for cultural disaster at a time when the New York Times (and still is) exalting sexuality as pure instinct, free from every bond.

Pediatricians Warn Educators: ‘Pro-Gay’ Attitude toward Gender Confusion Damages Children

The American College of Pediatricians has cautioned educators about the management of students experiencing same-sex attraction or exhibiting symptoms of gender confusion, saying that a pro-homosexuality attitude could disrupt a natural uncertainty in youth for the worse.

N.B. – The American College of Pediatricians is a new group created expressly in reaction to and to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians.

The Curious Incident at the New York Times

(Clip)The second, and underlying, scandal is that it’s the homosexuals allowed into the priesthood in the sixties who have been causing most of the trouble.

Are all homosexuals child molesters? Certainly not.

Are most child molesters in the Catholic Church homosexuals? Almost certainly.

News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More News

The word “homosexual” does not appear a single time in all the articles the Times has run since the story first broke. Here are four possible interpretations of the Times’s curious omission of Hullermann’s homosexuality.

One, that the Times reporter didn’t know that Hullermann was a homosexual — and wasn’t curious enough to find out. Two, the editors of the Times assumed all its readers would assume Hullermann was a homosexual. Three, the people at the New York Times thought the fact irrelevant. And four, the people at the Times are in thrall to the homosexual community and didn’t want to disparage it.

One and two are implausible Three is absurd: Leaving the fourth reason: the Times made a choice to speak no ill of homosexuals. The pedophilia story really begins more than forty years ago, when the Roman Catholic Church began accepting known homosexuals into the priesthood. Are most child molesters in the Catholic Church homosexuals? Almost certainly. But try finding that story in the New York Times.

The Times seems to be more interested in protecting its friends in the homosexual community than the youngsters in churches. One part of the “crisis” in the Roman Catholic Church is probably over. Abuses have declined since 1980, and the church has stopped letting known homosexuals into the priesthood.

Vatican Notes Context of Abuse-Homosexuality Link

In response to a question asking if there is a link between celibacy and sexual abuse by the clergy, [Benedict XVI’s secretary of state] Cardinal Bertone responded: “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that there is no link between celibacy and pedophilia, but many others have shown, and have told me recently, that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia.”

In a communiqué released today, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, clarified that the cardinal was referring to scientific studies that have been conducted within the context of the sexual abuse crisis in the Church, and not in society at large.

Since when is intergenerational sex with teenagers not heterosexual or homosexual?

Is it just a coincidence that every example here of selective specificity, sloppiness, and hypocrisy serves to either protect the reputation of homosexuals or damage that of the Church?

There, reason is not hard to discern. While the abuse in question is a problem of homosexuality, homosexuality is never a problem for our abusive media.

Gay cover-up must end

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on two news stories released today by the Associated Press:

One of the AP stories on priestly sexual abuse admits that “The overwhelming majority of the victims were adolescents. That means very few guilty priests were pedophiles, a term mental health professionals reserve for those who target pre-pubescent children.” Fine. But then it says something which is positively remarkable: “Even though about 80 percent of victims were boys, the John Jay researchers and other experts on sex offenders say it does not mean the perpetrators were gay.” So what would they be? Heterosexual?

Here’s the tally. As reported in 2004, between 1950 and 2002, 81 percent of the victims were male; in 2005, it stayed the same; in 2006, it dropped to 80 percent; in 2007, it climbed to 82 percent; in 2008, it jumped to 84 percent; and in 2009, it stayed at 84 percent.

In other words, even though priests have less access to males, homosexual priests are molesting them at a higher rate. It’s time to end the gay cover-up once and for all.

A Letter to the Catholic Bishops (from 2002)

Many have pointed out that solving the problem of sexual abuse by clergy will necessarily involve addressing the problem of SSA among priests. Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, admitted at a press conference in Rome on April 23 [2002] the existence of an ongoing struggle to ensure that the Catholic priesthood is not dominated by homosexual men.

As the revelations of abuse have become public it has become increasingly clear that almost all the victims are adolescent males, not prepubescent boys. The problem of priests with same-sex attractions (SSA) molesting adolescents or children must be addressed if future scandals are to be avoided.

In treating priests who have engaged in pedophilia and ephebophilia we have observed that these men almost without exception suffered from a denial of sin in their lives. They were unwilling to admit and address the profound emotional pain they experienced in childhood of loneliness, often in the father relationship, peer rejection, lack of male confidence, poor body image, sadness, and anger.

New post at: Cardinal Bertone correct in linking clerical sex abuse and homosexuality, says psychiatrist

“Cardinal Bertone’s comments are supported completely by the John Jay study report and by clinical experience,” Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons told CNA. “In fact, every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships.”

Fitzgibbons, who has been the director of Comprehensive Counseling Center in West Conshohocken, Penn. since 1988, has worked extensively with individuals suffering from same sex attraction (SSA) and priests accused of pedophilia. He also presently serves as a consultant to the Congregation for the Clergy at the Holy See.

N.B. – The John Jay researchers firmly disagree with such readings of their study of child abuse in the Roman Church. That’s what has people like Catholic League president Bill Donohue so upset.

Anglican Mainstream also attacks the Conservative party’s plan to erase criminal records for convicted homosexuals. By heir logic we would not erase criminal records for convicted miscegenationists: welcome to Jim Crow redux.

About Anglican Mainstream:

Anglican Mainstream International is a coalition of:

Anglican Mainstream UK

The American Anglican Council

Anglican Communion in New Westminster

The Essentials Federation and Network in Canada

The Anglican Communion Institute

Anglican Mainstream South Africa

Primatial Adviser

The Most Rev Drexel Gomez, Archbishop of the West Indies

Steering Committee of Anglican Mainstream International:

Canon David Anderson (American Anglican Council USA)

Bishop Wallace Benn (UK)

Rev Gavin Mitchell

Dr Philip Giddings (UK)

Rev Charlie Masters ( Essentials Federation and Network, Canada)

Professor Christopher Seitz ( Anglican Communion Institute)

Rev David Short (Anglican Communion in New Westminster Canada)

Canon Dr Chris Sugden (Executive Secretary)

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