And the Anglican of the Year award goes to …

…the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. He was selected by more than 100 synod members in the Church of England, beating out the Archbishop of Canterbury and former Cape Town Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who placed second and third respectively. The “award” was published in the Church of England newspaper and reported in The Times, which makes the observation that Sentamu’s more charismatic approach complements the ABC’s more intellectual approach:

Christina Rees, a synod member for Oxford and chairman of the lobby group Women and the Church, said: “I have great admiration for both our archbishops and I think they’re both wonderful men. But I [named] John Sentamu because of his very bold gestures in response to news items and examples of injustice around the world, which have communicated something very important about what it means to be Christian and have made it immediately accessible to people who wouldn’t otherwise have paid attention to the Church.”

In August, in a protest that captured headlines around the world, Dr Sentamu shaved his head, moved into a tent inside York Minster and began a fast in an act of “public witness” to call for peace in the Middle East. He also carried out outdoor full-immersion baptisms of new Anglican converts at Easter.

The whole thing is here.

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