Anderson writes San Joaquin faithful

House of Deputies president Bonnie Anderson has written a letter in support of Remain Faithful in San Joaquin, urging individuals and dioceses to remember the diocese in their prayers and to spread the word about the situation there:

The future will be revealed through the grace and abundance of God’s inclusive love. Remain Episcopal is working to rebuild and renew the diocese with those who wish to remain within the Episcopal Church. Its vision is one of a church that welcomes all, regardless of theological perspective.

There are a number of ways General Convention deputies can provide much needed support to our sisters and brothers in Christ in the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. You can pray regularly for Episcopalians in San Joaquin, and urge the people in your diocese to do the same. Part of the charge to all deputies is to help keep the members of their dioceses informed. You can urge people to read the information listed above so that they understand what is happening in San Joaquin.

The entire message, including the specific needs of those remaining in San Joaquin, is below in the extended entry.

January 17, 2008

Greetings in the name of Christ,

As by now you are well aware, the Episcopal Church Title IV Review Committee certified that Bishop John-David Schofield has abandoned the communion of the Episcopal Church. In accordance with Title IV, Canon 9, Sec. 1 consent for inhibition from three senior Bishops has been given and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has inhibited Diocese of San Joaquin Bishop John-David Schofield.

Following is a list of links providing background, history and current status of the situation to date.

Remain Episcopal of the Diocese of San Joaquin has planned an upcoming day long gathering called Moving Forward, Welcoming All to be held at Church of the Saviour, Hanford, CA, January 26, 2008. This event will be the culmination of a five-day listening tour in the diocese by the Rev. Canon Bob Moore, whom Bishop Katharine has appointed to be an interim pastoral presence in San Joaquin. I have been invited by Remain Episcopal to participate in the event and I look forward to the worship, discussion and celebration.

The future will be revealed through the grace and abundance of God’s inclusive love. Remain Episcopal is working to rebuild and renew the diocese with those who wish to remain within the Episcopal Church. Its vision is one of a church that welcomes all, regardless of theological perspective.

There are a number of ways General Convention deputies can provide much needed support to our sisters and brothers in Christ in the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. You can pray regularly for Episcopalians in San Joaquin, and urge the people in your diocese to do the same. Part of the charge to all deputies is to help keep the members of their dioceses informed. You can urge people to read the information listed above so that they understand what is happening in San Joaquin.

If you or your diocese want to support Episcopalians in the Diocese of San Joaquin, Remain Episcopal has identified specific assistance that is needed. The need includes liturgical items, clergy assistance, and monetary support. A specific list and details about how to help are listed at the bottom of this message.

Through my visits and communications with those living through this time of transition, I can assure you that your prayers are felt and appreciated. It is my deepest hope that the listening process and culminating event will reveal a new path forward paved with our baptismal promises. We are all called to live out those promises and I am grateful that within the House of Deputies there is a deep and abiding commitment to that truth.

I continue to hold each of you in prayer and I ask the same from you.


Bonnie Anderson, D.D.

President, The House of Deputies

Requested assistance from Remain Episcopal in the Diocese of San Joaquin:

Liturgical items:

Hymnals and prayer books (including alternative liturgies and song books), altar books, gospel books, vestments (including clergy seasonal vestments, altar, lectern, and pulpit coverings, hangings, etc.), portable kneelers, missals, and credence Eucharistic vessels. If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact Amanda Gaona, donation coordinator, at

Clergy support: Remain Episcopal welcomes the offers of clergy from other dioceses for sacramental functions during the rebuilding. Please contact the Rev. Mark Hall at 209.473.2313 or for more information.

Monetary support for: Events, communications, rental of worship and administrative space, advertising, mailings, travel, educational materials, technical support, administration.

Tax-deductible contributions may be sent to 2067 W. Alluvial, Fresno, California 93711; make checks out to Remain Episcopal.

Contributions may also be made using PayPal on the Remain Episcopal website,

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