written by Teresa Donati
October 2 has no saint named for the day in the Lectionary; but on many Christian calendars, it is the Feast Day or Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels.
As children, many of us learned this prayer to our Guardian Angel: ‘Angel of God, my Guardian dear,/To whom God’s love commits me here,/Ever this day be at my side,/ To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.’ There are many books of angel lore, the orders of angels, their tasks, their messages to humanity in the Scriptures. The most memorable story, for many, is the Archangel Gabriel telling Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus, our Savior.(Luke 1:26-38).
Angels have been messengers of love, and stories of being rescued by angels abound in the oh-so-factual West. Angel stories are told with awe, and loving gratitude. Our great hymn No. 410 begins, ‘Praise my soul, the King of heaven….’ and in the fourth verse, ‘Angels help us to adore him, ye behold him face to face….’ Imagine, adoring God face to face. It can take your breath away, even to contemplate.
And yet, such are those sent to walk with us in our lives. That is a most loving gift, from Creator to creatures, our own special heavenly being. May we hear and heed the whispered counsels our Angels surely give.