ACC-16 will be held in Lusaka Zambia APR 8 -19. The ACC has released a draft of the 11 day agenda for the meeting to which all 38 constituent member provinces are invited to send representatives. Each province chooses its own representatives. The largest provinces may send three reps, preferably a bishop, a clergyperson and a lay person. Medium sized provinces may send two reps, preferably a clergyperson and a lay person. While the smallest provinces may send one rep, preferably a lay person. The theme of this meeting is Intentional discipleship in a world of difference.
The host for ACC-16 is the Anglican Church of Central Africa and its primate, the Most Revd Albert Chama. This province is a regional church including the nations of Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The meeting is being held in the Diocese of Lusaka. The Rt Revd David Njovu is the bishop diocesan.
Two important matters of business for this meeting will be elections. One will be the election of the chair and vice chair of the ACC. The outgoing chair is the Rt Revd James Tengatenga of Malawi and the outgoing vice chair is Canon Elizabeth Paver of England. The second matter of business is the election of 7 members from the ACC to the Standing Committee of the ACC. The Primates’ Meeting elected five members to the Standing committee when the Primates gather at Canterbury Cathedral this past JAN. Those five members are, the Most Revds; Dr John Holder of the West Indies; Dr Richard Clarke from Ireland; Philip Freier of Australia; Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis from Jerusalem and the Middle East; and Dr Thabo Makgoba of Southern Africa.
To date, two provinces, the Church of the Province of Uganda and the Anglican Church of Kenya, have publicly stated that they will not be sending representatives to attend ACC-16. Their reason for not attending is that the representatives of the Episcopal Church (US) will be in attendance. These two provinces, with others, have said that they are in a state of impaired communion with TEC because TEC has consecrated a gay man and a lesbian as bishops and has altered the TEC marriage canon to allow the marriage of same gender partners where it is legal in the various political jurisdictions which make up TEC.
You may read more about the draft agenda and ACC-16 here.
The draft proposal pdf is available here.
Media representatives may register for ACC-16 through the Anglican Communion Office here.