Lionel Diemel reports some success in his campaign for the Anglican Communion Office to update the listings of bishops for dioceses in the US. The Lead reported that although bishops had been removed from their positions, the ACO was still listing them.
[Diemel’s] campaign to have the information updated on the Anglican Communion Web site for the Diocese of Pittsburgh … has largely achieved its goal. You can see the current page here. Gone are any references to Bob Duncan, Henry Scriven, or the former site of the diocesan office in the Oliver Building,…
Of more concern is that the page for neither the Diocese of Fort Worth nor for the Diocese of Quincy has been changed.
Nonetheless, some celebration is in order. (We Christians, after all, are taught to be thankful for the gifts we have received.) I hope that my own efforts had something to do with causing the Pittsburgh page to be changed, but I don’t know whether that was actually the case. I do know that others wrote to the Anglican Communion Office, and The Episcopal Church itself had requested the changes even before I wrote my essay. I offer my thanks to anyone who contributed (or might have contributed) to achieving this modest success.
Now, can we get the Anglican Communion Office to make some changes to the Fort Worth and Quincy pages?
Mark Harris also called for this change here.