Anglican Communion News Service reports on a call for prayers from Anglican women around to world to be published by Church Publishing.
While worldwide attention is focused on discord and divisions within the Anglican Communion, Anglican women and girls are uniting to make their voices heard on issues of poverty and women’s empowerment, express the power and depth of their faith, and to reveal their connections across cultural and economic differences, by contributing to a new book of women’s prayers.
Following on the popularity of Women’s Uncommon Prayers: Our Lives Revealed, Nurtured, Celebrated, this all-new collection of prayers, with its multicultural global reach, will be organized according to themes of the Millennium Development Goals. Prayers will show the connections between the global concerns of women and girls and their personal lives. The book will be published under the Morehouse imprint of Church Publishing, Incorporated.
Currently, the editors are partnering with networks of Anglican women worldwide to extend the invitation for prayer submissions. Already the editors have held a prayer-writing workshop, for example, with the international Anglican women delegates who were in New York City in February 2008 for the annual gathering of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, representing every province of the Anglican Communion.
Royalties from the book will help to strengthen global partnerships. All proceeds will be given equally to the International Anglican Women’s Network, the organization through which the voices of Anglican women are reported to the Anglican Consultative Council, and Episcopal Relief and Development in support of programs for women.
The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2008. Submissions may be made by email to To read an online invitation for submissions, visit the website here
Read the press release here.