The Anglican Church of Canada reports on one of the many networks that make up the Anglican Communion. The International Anglican Women’s Network was formed in November 1996 following a consultation convened by the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) and funded by the Mothers’ Union and the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church Women of the Episcopal Church of the United States. Women from 14 of the (then) 32 Provinces of the Anglican Communion met in London and agreed that an international Anglican Women’s Network be formed. Its mandate was to report the work of women, and the challenges that women face, to the ACC. IAWN will offer the presence of women at the Lambeth Conference:
Domestic violence, women in leadership, and women’s access to technology-these are a few of the issues that the International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) would like to discuss with bishops and their spouses at the Lambeth Conference, the meeting of all Anglican bishops in July 2008.
“If the bishop and his or her spouse catch the vision of empowering women, great things can happen,” said Canon Alice Medcof, a Canadian member of the IAWN steering group.
IAWN has booked two stalls and three fringe events at Lambeth. At the stalls they will distribute literature and chat with bishops and their spouses. “We are offering all people at Lambeth the opportunity to say what they think are the most important problems facing women,” said Canon Medcof.
IAWN is an official network of the Anglican Communion and aims to be the global voice of Anglican women by reporting their work and concerns to the Anglican Consultative Council. The international IAWN steering committee keeps informed through provincial links…
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