Anglicans call for vigilance regarding equal rights in difficult times

The Anglican delegates to the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Woman have issued a call for the world’s governments and the leadership of the Anglican Churches to be careful to guard against any erosion of women’s status during the global economic crisis.

From the statement just released:

“It is recognized that the financial crisis which is affecting the Global Economy will affect women to a greater extent than men. This crisis is an opportunity to involve women as equal participants in decision making, and to ensure gender perspectives in financial decisions. This requires vigilance on the part of governments, civil society and the church in targeting funds to women.

The clear statement made at a plenary session by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon that 3 million girls are still undergoing female genital mutilation each year requires urgent further action by all concerned. Multiple presentations highlighted the association of this, other acts of violence against women and girls, and the spread of HIV. The lack of sexual and reproductive rights and education puts women and girls at increased risk of HIV and in some areas of the world married women are at highest risk. Innovative prevention measures are desperately needed. The vulnerability of women and girls in areas of armed conflict and the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war is an area of deep alarm. The delegates also recognize the challenges faced by migrant and indigenous women and girls; work is required throughout the world to support and empower them.

It is evident that gender stereotyping is a major hindrance in moving ahead and now needs to be addressed by clear action throughout the world. Work must be done with men and boys as well as women and girls to address harmful societal norms and practices. We ask churches across the Anglican Communion to examine how they can champion the equality of men and boys, and women and girls particularly with regard to caregiving.”

Read the full statement here.

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