Updated at 5:27
USA Today’s Melanie Eversley filed this story. which includes this important paragraph:
Authorities are treating this as a domestic terrorism incident. The FBI, ATF, district attorney and local sheriff’s office are involved, according to [Oak Creek, Wis., Police Chief John] Edwards.
CNN’s Belief blog has a good background piece on what the Sikh community has endured since 9/11, along with an excellent video.
OAK CREEK, Wis. — Police in Wisconsin say seven people are dead at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee, including the suspected gunman.
CNN has this:
At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack on worshippers at a Sikh temple in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on Sunday, police said.
The officer was wounded but “returned fire, and that shooter was put down,” said Bradley Wentlandt, the police chief in nearby Greenfield, who briefed reporters. Investigators who picked through the building afterward found four bodies inside the temple and two other victims outside, plus the gunman, Wentlandt said.
Though early reports had suggested there may have been more than one attacker, he said officers had not identified any other gunmen.
Niraj Warikoo, religion reporter for the Detroit Free Press is providing excellent background and context in his twitter stream.
Visit the homepage of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.
The Oak Creek Sikh community have been subject to on-going hate crimes.