Archbishop of York calls for more minority ethnic vocations in CoE

From a Church of England Press Release:

“There is a greater need than ever for minority ethnic Anglicans to respond to God’s call to ministry and servant leadership we need people who are equipped for cross cultural ministry in our increasingly diverse society,” Dr Sentamu said.

“We need more minority ethnic clergy as deacons, priests and bishops. We need ethnic diversity at all levels in the Church’s ministry. This booklet shows how crucial it is for our ongoing vocations work in the Church of England. We need to see more minority ethnic Anglicans if we are to serve effectively and see churches grow, and to do that we must make and nurture disciples in diverse communities across England today.”

Everyday People, God’s gift to the Church of England, from the Vocations Strategy Group, a working group of the Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns, and the Ministry Division of the Church of England, features the life stories of seven ordained clergy and one Anglican who is currently exploring her vocation. All are of minority ethnic heritage.

Posted by John B. Chilton

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