Armed with a banana

The Detroit Free-Press carries an essay by a retired Episcopal priest who will be “packing heat” in the form of a banana:

In what may be one of the more craven legislative acts to be committed by a local government entity in my memory, the city commissioners of Royal Oak are set to repeal their own wise and responsible ordinances prohibiting the open carrying of side arms in such venues as street festivals. There’s one such scheduled for Labor Day weekend in Royal Oak.

This means that the honorable commissioners have been cowed by the Open Carry lobby whose members swagger about with long, ugly pistols clipped to their belts just daring someone to object to the exercise of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Only they are not members of a “well-regulated militia.” But why should I mind? The Supreme Court doesn’t.

I am an introvert and try as far as in me lies to stay away from clots of people. Withal, I am girding up my loins to plunge into the man swarm at the Labor Day weekend street festival, the revelry of which will make my city unbearable to quiet pursuits. I will stride among the masses with a good-sized banana strapped to my belt, …

What do you think about “open carry” laws?

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