Aspen Ideas Festival: Advice From Women Who Lead series

As part of their 2015 festival, Aspen Ideas is running talks and articles by women in leadership roles. Pamela Reeves, an advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and former State department employee, wrote about the phenomenon of women in leadership in diverse sectors and industries.

Titled “There’s no Blueprint“, Reeves writes about the diversity of leadership styles and the big impact that women leaders have on institutions and organizations.

From the article:

But there’s no blueprint, there’s no formula, that says this is how women lead and this is why they succeed. And in fact, they do succeed. The good news is that, in the aggregate, we have more women leading local and national governments, global companies, universities, and philanthropic foundations than ever before. And we’ve got more money in the hands of female consumers and female philanthropists. We know statistically that when we get financial resources into the hands of women, we see better outcomes in health, education, and economic prosperity, at all levels, all around the world.


Medium has a series of articles by Aspen Festival presenters; from a story about learning grace and humility, to a piece on social justice from Shiza Shahid who co-founded the Malala Fund, the stories reflect a diverse set of experiences from women who lead.

Each woman speaks in the following video, sharing her experiences as a leader. Unfortunately, there are no women spiritual leaders in the line-up, but it’s an inspiring event.

Do you think The Episcopal Church could benefit from hosting events for women clergy to speak about their experiences? Maybe at the next General Convention?

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