Exit polls and experts weigh in on where and how candidates’ religious beliefs and affiliations impacted the vote yesterday.
1. In Ohio, which went Romney’s way yesterday, exit polls showed more Catholics (43%) voting for Mitt Romney, a Mormon, than for Rick “Catholic Missionary” Santorum (31%). According to James Salt, executive director of Catholics United, “Catholic voters care more about economic issues that affect their families than they do about socially divisive wedge issues like contraception.” (CNN)
2. Santorum’s capture of Oklahoma, Tennessee, and North Dakota show his influence in states with potentially heavy numbers of evangelical voters, with Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and the panhandle of Florida still to come. (National Journal)
3. Demographers like Robert Putnam claim the amalgamation of faith and politics has driven a wedge between the “religious right” and Millennials. “In effect, Americans (especially young Americans) who might otherwise attend religious services are saying, ‘Well, if religion is just about conservative politics, then I’m outta here.'” (Christian Science Monitor)
4. “Romney carried most voters who did not identify as evangelical Christians in each state except Oklahoma.” (National Journal)