Assorted links

1. Will Walmart save the small farm and make America healthy?

2. Village people ask, does the C of E General Synod we see on the BBC really exist?

3. The Interfaith Alliance of Iowa has presented legislators with a letter co-signed by 167 Iowa clergy — including the Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa — urging Iowa senators and representatives to support “marriage equality” and “oppose any resolution or attempt to diminish the marriage rights” of gay couples.

4. Sociologists respond to economic incentives; produce more research on white, Protestant religion.

5. Harvard students don’t get religion.

6. The rules of generosity: When Unicef announced that the number of children dying each year from poverty-related causes had dropped by one million, as compared to two years earlier, the story got very little media attention.

7. If the Founding Fathers had wanted America to be a Christian nation, they would’ve said so.

8. An Episcopalian wins Westminster. Well, actually it’s the owner who is an Episcopalian. This according to a report from the Rev. Kit Carlson. Congratulations to Sadie, AKA Ch Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot.

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