Assorted links

Brains, beards, sex, bias and more.

1. Working with in the youth program at church? Read the teenage brain.

2. The human brain doesn’t like income inequality.

3. How would you react being on the receiving end of altruism? Bonus: Women and children first? It depends how fast the ship is sinking.

4. It’s hard for Mormons to grow beards.

5. Name three people, preferably contemporaries, whom you honestly believe are smarter, better educated, and more honest than you are, but who disagree with you about God. Related: The most important variable explaining a newspaper’s slant is the political orientation of people living within the paper’s market, not the ownership of the paper. Are you unconsciously reinforcing your biases?

6. Join Friends of the Ordinariate. But can you use a church’s symbol without permission? Addendum: The Traditional Church in America (AKA the Anglican Church in America) has decided to “formally to request the implementation of the provisions of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Cœtibus.” Need I add the decision was by bishops only?

7. The Dalai Lama said he did not know who Woods was, but said self-discipline is among Buddhism’s highest values. When it comes to adultery, he said, “all religions have the same idea.”

8. Women at Catholic colleges engage more frequently in sexual “hook ups” than women at secular colleges, a new study shows, and researchers suspect alcohol may be the reason.

9. Is faith based foreign aid a failed experiment?

10. UK Scouts condemn Uganda’s anti-gay bill. American Political Science Association conference relocated from Uganda.

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