1. A tradition of African art that has for centuries looked at, evaluated and selectively embraced the West.
2. Good sentences:
The only people left in the restrictive groups are those who value the rules. In a modern, liberal society, religious observance does not “take away” choice. It is a choice.
3. More good sentences, these with the Kendall Harmon seal of approval:
The Vatican badly needs new blood—and a woman’s touch. … They need to let younger generations of priests and nuns rise to positions of authority within a new church. Most especially and most immediately, they need to elevate women. As a nun said to me this week, if a woman had been sitting beside a bishop transferring a priest with a history of abuse, she would have said: “Hey, wait a minute!”
4. A very good, very viral sentence:
Iceland’s last wish: to have its ashes scattered all over Europe.
5. How to start a decision making meeting. Assuming everyone has the same goal, you should begin with information sharing rather than first impressions of what is best. Seems obvious, but 90% of such meetings start with first impressions.