The links today relate to The Episcopal Church or the Anglican Communion.
1. Dear Rowan – from Bishop Christopher Senyonjo. “Silence kills … A loving Anglican Communion should not keep quiet when the Rolling Stone tabloid in Uganda openly supports the “hanging of the homos,” including a fellow bishop who pleads for their inclusion and non-discrimination! Silence has the power to kill.”
2. The Bishop of New York, Mark Sisk, interviewed about the Anglican Communion. “I wouldn’t want to tell England how to operate, and I don’t think England understands at all well how we operate.”
3. Connecticut Supreme Court hears property dispute – AP. The AP observes, “Courts in other states have sided with the national church and its dioceses in nearly all cases, while the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a similar case in October 2009 involving [an appeal by] a California church.”
4. Seabury Western Theological Seminary partners with the Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management at Northwestern University Business School this summer in a one-week leadership program.