Aussie couple threaten divorce if the government of Australia legalizes same-gender marriage

High school sweethearts, married for 10 years and parents of children, Nick & Sarah Jensen claim that if same-gendered marriage is legalized in Australia, they will no longer recognize the government’s regulation of marriage and that they will divorce.

Mr Jensen cited a strange idea that state regulation of marriage has only existed for a little over 200 years, first in England, then in Australia. The 600 years prior to that marriage was controlled by the church and before the church, there was only local culture and custom, like jumping brooms in Wales, that regulated marriage.

The Jensen’s announced their decision to divorce and live together without benefit of marriage in an op-ed piece in the Canberra City News. In the article Mr Jensen posited the typical traditionalist stance that marriage was an institution established by God. That the purpose was for the propagation of children and centered around the family with a parent of each gender as the building block of society. He also stated that any expansion of the definition of marriage by the state would open the door to polygamy.

The reason, however, is that, as Christians, we believe marriage is not a human invention.

Our view is that marriage is a fundamental order of creation. Part of God’s intimate story for human history. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman before a community in the sight of God. And the marriage of any couple is important to God regardless of whether that couple recognises God’s involvement or authority in it.

The Jensens published their op-ed piece in their anticipation that the Australian government may legal same-gendered marriage later this year.

The information for this story was gathered here and here.

Photo from the op-ed article in the City News

Posted by David Allen

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