Gene Robinson leaves for Lambeth
Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire leaves for the Lambeth Conference. He will be blogging his experiences while in England and Scotland.
Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire leaves for the Lambeth Conference. He will be blogging his experiences while in England and Scotland.
The General Synod of the Church of England, meeting in York, is going to debate and perhaps decide today to move forward with allowing women to serve in the episcopate.
Giles Frasier says in The Independent on Sunday that Archbishop Rowan Williams has been too compliant in the face of the Church’s conservatives and homophobes. The time has come to confront the extremists who would fight the battles of 17th century in the 21st.
More than 4,000 Anglicans have given their support to calls for the introduction of women bishops in the Church of England without special legislation to protect opponents of the move. Supporters gathered today at Westminster Abbey for a press conference in advance of the General Synod this coming weekend in York.
Some GAFCON pilgrims are disappointed that an explicit pro-life plank was not included in the final document despite their efforts to have their views included. It appears that the final document was relatively unchanged from the original that existed at the beginning of the conference.
The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns led a news teleconference this morning to tell reporters about the significant happenings at the recent GAFCON conference in Jerusalem.
A special series of Bible studies that mirror the studies that the Bishops will be doing at Lambeth are now on the web.
The blog of St. Thomas’ Church in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC says the Anglican Covenant is a bad idea whose time has come.
Katie Sherrod blogs the text of a talk given at her parish that describes how “the faith once delivered” was in fact developed over time and became, in Nicea, an integration of several strands of Christian tradition.
The Guardian has an editorial that says that if Anglican unity is to be maintained, it cannot be for its own sake. Stephen Bates says that those taking part in the conference in Jerusalem are united only by the one thing they all hate.