ELCA Churchwide Assembly votes in favor of not profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Adopts Investment Screen to Avoid Profiting from Israel’s Occupation
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Adopts Investment Screen to Avoid Profiting from Israel’s Occupation
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Urges End to US Aid to Israel Until Settlement Construction Ends.
Monday, 1 AUG, Vice President Joe Biden officiated at a civil marriage for two men. The Vice President & Dr Biden hosted the wedding in their government provided Washington DC residence at the U.S. Naval Observatory. A few days after the Vice President officiated at the wedding, three US bishops wrote a blog piece condemning his action.
One might expect the answer to at least be a Finnish church. However, at the moment the fastest growing denomination in Finland is the Church of England. The CoE congregations in Finland are part of the Diocese in Europe.
The Diocese of Central New York has elected the 11th bishop diocesan on the 2nd ballot. The Very Revd Dr DeDe Duncan-Probe received more than the required votes for her election.
An Evangelical minister, the Revd Stephen Holland, who isn’t even a member of the Church of England, has now interrupted four consecrations of women in the CoE to the office of bishop. His objection to the consecrations appears to have been facilitated by the Deans of the cathedrals in which some of the consecrations occurred, with him even being provided a microphone to be better heard.
US Muslims hear often that they need to be on the leading edge of distancing Islam from the atrocities of terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. US Muslims are raising their voices against the jihadists, but these are often in the sermons of imams in mosques across the US and not heard by average US citizens. To counter that lack of public knowledge of their disagreement with the horrible crimes of ISIS, a group of Muslims have pooled their funds for a billboard campaign to let neighbors, family and friends know of their stand.
St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Edmond OK sits on 3 acres of land. The church’s property butts up against the land occupied by the University of Central Oklahoma. The university has proposed to swap the current church property for 23 acres of university land.
The Rt Revd Fanuel Emmanuel Magangani is excited that members of his diocese will now have the New Testament in their own language.
The Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart spent 20 years working as a police officer for the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department…Some years later, the mother of one son, she enrolled at Wesley Theological Seminary…As a deacon serving Calvary Episcopal Church, a historically black congregation on the city’s northeast side, Fisher-Stewart founded the Center for the Study of Faith and Justice at Calvary with the help of from the Episcopal Evangelism Society grant. Now as an assistant rector, she serves along the Rev. Peter Jarrett-Schell, the church’s first white rector, together they work to foster conversations and build community in their neighborhood.