ABC addresses ACC – 16
Following the Evensong service in Lukasa’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, gave his presidential address to the gathered delegates at ACC – 16.
Following the Evensong service in Lukasa’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, gave his presidential address to the gathered delegates at ACC – 16.
On 8 MAR 2016, a federal district court judge in Puerto Rice ruled that the US Supreme Court decision on marriage equality in 2015 did not apply to the island commonwealth. On 8 APR, the 1st US Court of Appeals, based in Boston MA, overturned Judge Pérez-Giménez’s decision.
Fifty young folks from the dioceses of the Anglican churches in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe gathered in Lusaka, Zambia during the week just prior to the ACC – 16 meeting in the same city.
When one is a well known figure, one doesn’t always have a lot of control about the press interfering in one’s life! So it was for The Most Revd Justin Welby.. He was approached by the Daily Telegraph prior to Easter regarding family history research about the Archbishop that the periodical had been conducting.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, held a ceremony at Lambeth Palace in London where he awarded a new set of recognitions for service in the Church. These are intended to specifically be for recognition of service of a non-academic nature, to both Christians and members of other faiths.
We ran a couple of April Fools pranks on the Café yesterday. But I also saw a few good ones on the interwebs that I enjoyed a lot. has put up a website that proposes to investigate Jesus and the resurrection as Mulder & Scully would investigate one of the X-files.
The Anglican News Service has gather a series of links to the Easter messages of various primates of Anglican provinces.
Folks in the United Kingdom are raising the alarm that the chocolate companies are dropping the word Easter from the packaging for chocolate Easter eggs.