Open Entry
“‘It makes me wonder whether John’s words were changed to: though our hearts were locked for fear of (insert self struggle here), Jesus came and stood with us and said, “Peace be with you.”’
“‘It makes me wonder whether John’s words were changed to: though our hearts were locked for fear of (insert self struggle here), Jesus came and stood with us and said, “Peace be with you.”’
Canadian seminary, Montreal Dio, a pioneer in ecumenical education expands its ecumenical reach through a merger with the United Theological College.
Looking for an opportunity to serve God and God’s people? ESC has opportunities across the nation.
the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church and the Church Pension Fund (CPF) Board of Trustees will hold at least four consultations between the 80th and 81st General Conventions (2022 and 2024, respectively). These gatherings will address mutual policy concerns posed by changing demographics, changing understandings of church in society, and changing expectations of and for clergy—including current and retired lay employees of The Episcopal Church.
” That fishing buddy of Jesus’s was a man who became committed like our turtles, to depositing his clutch, determined that his story of Jesus would live on forever and in doing so saving the world, just like the Loggerhead.”
As I marveled at this, a new bird flew up and sat on the wire – only this one was facing the opposite direction. “That’s me”, I thought – the one who is always turned around, never quite facing the right way. But, in less than a second, that bird hopped up, turned around, and landed on the wire facing the same direction as the rest of the birds. Soon, another bird arrived, and then another, and the same thing happened each time: the bird landed facing the wrong direction, hopped up, and turned around.
My gumbo represents my desire to adhere to the rules and my tendency to question them. Honoring tradition, it harnesses my own primal instincts as co-creator with God. It celebrates the goodness of our very essence along with our brokenness. It offers endless opportunities to grow and change, to be reborn again and again through its muddy waters. Batch by batch, the thin places of my life grow more and more transparent, loved ones in my dream world inch closer, and the desires of my heart wait eagerly in the caverns of my own callused hands.
No two batches are the same, but the flavors of love overflow.
“Easter is the celebration of the victory of God,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry said in his Easter 2022 message. “The earth, like an egg, has been cracked open, and Jesus has been raised alive and new, and love is victorious.”
I stand by my original declaration: People are kind. However, today, Good Friday, is the opportunity for legitimate rebuttal. There is a legitimate rebuttal to the proposal that people are kind, and that rebuttal is the phenomenon we call Good Friday, remembering the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.
“He wears shorts, a fleece, socks and sandals, almost ready to change with whatever the elements will bring. He bends down to show us something in between the rocks. It’s an everlasting daisy. As I listen, I touch the underside of moss so soft it feels like a pillow of fairies.”