Joy Came in the Morning
“‘Oh God’s tender dealings can never
be erased from our remembering,
for God has printed them in our hearts. …'”
“‘Oh God’s tender dealings can never
be erased from our remembering,
for God has printed them in our hearts. …'”
“Stay grounded: In a time where everything is “virtual” the pumpkins are very real. They are heavy and hard work to move. They have dirt from the fields clinging to them. They are things of substance and weight at a time when everything is in ‘the cloud.'”
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and…your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. This was not just radical because of its decree to love but also because up to that time Jews had to adhere to 613 commandments. Our Lord distilled them down to two: love God and love your neighbour as yourself. Love is all you need.”
“Recalling the biblical passage helps me remember that my part of the bargain is to seek and that God will provide what I need. I also should remember that God’s imagination is greater than mine and that God might have something better in store for me than what I am seeking. This was the case with this opportunity, and it came from an unexpected place, not at all where I was looking.”
“I have read the suggestion that perhaps we are in a time of communion fasting. That our loneliness, our physical distancing and no touching is sacrificial. That the real worship of our time is to embrace the poor, literally feed the hungry Body of Christ. Give our own blood.”
“Saints of God, living clouds of witness
to our faith, intercede for us as we remember you!”
“‘Don’t say that. We will have another presidential election in four years. Maybe not a woman, but you will know another president.’ This spoken to an octogenarian in fragile health. I could not tolerate hopelessness in the most hopeful person I knew.”
“This first and greatest commandment helps me refocus on what it “all” means. It reaches into the center of my body and squeezes my heart, jumpstarting it to beat properly once again. It lifts my eyes from the daily details that assail me like hoards of hungry ducks, giving me the jolt I need to see clearly what on earth God is doing: Loving creation back to the Life intended for it.”
“To be made well will require us to put aside all thoughts of the perceived impediments to wellness; we’ll have to help each other into the stirred up waters of the pool. To be made well will require us to not fear change or the collective healthy growth of our community; we will have to come to the table together, to have honest conversation about how the sickness of racism continues to impact our communities, and work together to plan for whole-community transformation.”
“On the cross was a fragrant red rose. I stood there transfixed by the convergence of the past, my present and the future.”