Prayers Unaware
“There are times when I am standing on God’s shoulders or he is sitting on mine and I am unaware. These stories are worth retelling.”
“There are times when I am standing on God’s shoulders or he is sitting on mine and I am unaware. These stories are worth retelling.”
“For me, ballpark church represents a mustard seed planted to nurture a return to communal worship, a reminder that now, more than ever, I can and must find God in the most unexpected places.”
“What was exciting about this? It was exciting to find ways that we could make the same meaning present in language that didn’t leave people on the outside of it. So finding new ways to have that same emotional content of the words be present, but in words that when they wrote the book of common prayer they never thought of using.”
“Prayer is an Essential Worker. Study of Scripture is our sure shield and buckler. I am finding both necessary, lest my fear overwhelm my kindness.”
“At a time in which many in TEC may face financial pressures, I wish to alert the Church to the presence and actions of ultra right-wing extremist Christian groups, who may want to rent or buy your properties.”
“The charges against Amy Cooper are about more than an unfortunate encounter between Amy Cooper and Christian Cooper in the Ramble. Her actions in Central Park echo behaviors that have become too-commonplace in our country: To accuse a Black man of committing an act of violence is to create in our culture a credible claim which too often automatically renders the Black man guilty and automatically exonerates other potential perpetrators.”
“Mary and Martha are each disciples of Jesus doing ministry in the world. Mary is off, out of town, away with other disciples doing ministry in the world. Martha is doing ministry in her home town and she is anxious to the point a panic attack. She is anxious because Mary is away, she wants her sister near her, home with her, doing ministry in their home town. She is worried for Mary and anxious. Jesus hears Martha and calls her back into her-self, back into her work and ministry in the town, while also assuring her that Mary is fine out in the world. In other words, Jesus supports each woman being who she is and doing the ministry they are doing as they are doing it.”
“I remembered the words of Karl Barth, who claimed our faith is not our own but endowed by the Lord Himself. If that were true, then my question was also a product of God’s work and was worthy of being met with trust and love. I might never find a definite answer, and that was ok. It is the question itself and the rumination it afforded that justified its very existence. I knew that as long as I kept straddling the two worlds of science and faith, those questions were bound to come up.”
“Whether I carried the oil-fueled candle or the cross with a circle looping around the intersection, I’d grip my sweaty hands around the polished wood terrified it would slip out and clatter to the ground. The thought of catching the church on fire with the weak flame was terrifying on its own, but who knew what kind of eternal consequence awaited you for dropping the cross.”
“Just as Le Petit Prince tamed the little fox, centering prayer takes away the busy judgments of the mind and begins to tame it. The notion of taming the little foxes of our minds, and using the eyes of our heart to see rightly seems especially good for us right now. Our beautiful minds with its “unruly wills and affections” just like the prayer book says, often do need taming.”