CDSP and Trinity, Wall Street announce alliance
Basically, Trinity Wall Street will own CDSP
Basically, Trinity Wall Street will own CDSP
When we look into a mirror, we see a reflection staring back at us. That reflection is just an outer covering. What we should respect and inspect is the deeper self of the character within the outer shell.
A response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s widely-panned choice to not invite spouses of LGBT+ bishops to Lambeth in 2020
We can’t build our way out of our daily frustrations and annoyances, but perhaps we can build up within ourselves a capacity for grace
We review Beth Macy’s investigation of the roots and ravages of America’s addiction to opioids
A social scientist explores who joins and leaves the Episcopal Church and why
Icon artist Mary Jane Miller contemplates the gifts that Mary offers to each of us
We prayed because prayer is what had been asked of us. We met with mission partners –people engaged in relief work with thousands of asylum-seekers each week – and when we asked them what we could do, their first response was almost always, “please pray for us.”
From all of us here at the Episcopal Cafè, we wish you and all who are dear to you every blessing of this season