What’s at stake in Haiti’s contested episcopal election?
Mark Harris continues the conversation on confusion arising over the validity of a recent episcopal election in Haiti
Mark Harris continues the conversation on confusion arising over the validity of a recent episcopal election in Haiti
We can find peace in prayer, or struggle to find peace through praying. Sometimes we long for words or ways to find our path, to have God’s comfort as we deal with tangles in our lives. Perhaps we should write out our thoughts, even trying our hand at the poetic form, our own psalms to ask for guidance.
She was really ramped up now, foaming at the mouth, leaking the huge extra heavy tears of anxiety. “But mom! Some people say left is right and right is left! How do you know you’re right?!”
Mark Harris raises important concerns about the contested episcopal election in Haiti and the findings of a provincial court of review that looked into the allegations
Abolition is the moral imperative of our time. But for Christians, it’s more than that. Setting prisoners free is a proclamation of our hope that, as Jesus promises, the kingdom of God is already within us.
How does God feel when the world is in shambles, when order and justice seem as remote as any moon?
Where is the connection between spiritual direction and the prophetic voice?
San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral recently sponsored a gun buyback event in a San Francisco neighborhood with high incidents of gun violence
Reflecting on the ordeal of the Thai soccer team trapped in a cave – this story resonates with so many people not because of the one-to-one shared experience we may have had, but because of a very symbolic shared experience between us and these boys.
Seven-year-old Kristina sat in front of me before the 11 am service recently, wearing her alb. I leaned forward and asked her if she knew that girls at one time were not allowed to be acolytes. She looked puzzled more than shocked. “Why not?” she asked.