What do you do with the demands on your life when they overwhelm you?
The Rev. Brown, currently rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Charlotte, NC will be ordained and consecrated on December 9 by the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
Peace Coins were produced for participants of EYE17 as a reminder that we are part of the Episcopal branch of The Jesus Movement dedicated to making and keeping peace in our communities and across the globe
I’ve been exposed to “Love your neighbor,” but I still find it difficult to love the people behind me who let their water run onto my yard and in a place where I have to mow the result of their watering.
At some point, Luther enthusiasts hit upon the idea of photographing the toy at various places they found themselves, and posting the photo on the social media sites Twitter and Instagram.
One thing about siblings, they sometimes know more than you do about your motivations.
Our rabbi eating that broiled fish with his disciples – it means that we, ourselves, are immortal beings. Imagine that! Death has no power over us.
What would happen if we all determined each day to try to be a blessing to just one person we encountered that day?
I love to retreat and I love the holiness that opens up when people gather together.