Speaking to the Soul: Belonging
As emissaries of the mysterious, steady and holy love that is God, we are called to ardently become ourselves and also to truly accept one another.
As emissaries of the mysterious, steady and holy love that is God, we are called to ardently become ourselves and also to truly accept one another.
… what makes the scriptures important is their role as the “canon” (measuring stick) of the Christian faith. They are our traditionally agreed-upon standard or benchmark. They tell us our story and teach us who to be in the world.
God’s voice comes to us each and every day. Sometimes in grand notes and sometimes in the subtle whispers of children. It’s a voice of love and hope and peace.
… like Stephen, we can’t know when even our last minute prayers might make all the difference.
Currently under construction in Musaffah, the All Saints Anglican Church will be able to accommodate over 4,000 worshippers when complete.
God has been with us from our first breaths to our last ones (which we haven’t quite gotten to yet, thank God). Even when we think we are too big to need God or anybody else, we usually find that that isn’t the case at all.
We start out as children with a very “Chutes and Ladders” notion of virtue and vice–do good things and you get to scoot up the ladder, do bad things and down the slide you go.
We all have addictions, wounds and failures that cause us shame and get in the way of our relationships with one another and with God. To get past them we have to embrace them, acknowledge and work with them.
When we pray, sometimes we can feel God’s presence as if we could touch it; at other times, we try to reassure ourselves that God indeed hears us.
We are not alone. We are bound together through the Water and Word, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.