Speaking to the Soul: Follow-Up to the Man Born Blind
Maybe you’ve been stuck in some category of person that you’d like to break out of. The discourse today gives you hope for breaking out of the small sheep pen you may have become trapped in.
Maybe you’ve been stuck in some category of person that you’d like to break out of. The discourse today gives you hope for breaking out of the small sheep pen you may have become trapped in.
“If Jesus came back today, where would he go to make his mark?
… to accept the word “duty” not as something unpleasant, but something I need to do joyfully and thoroughly, and with gratitude to God for guidance and help in this kingdom-making endeavor
Embracing the idea that we can not know all, that we can not be all, and that we definitely can not control anything but our own choices is my new working definition of humility.
So think about being a fisher of people. In your words or in your actions how do you proclaim your relationship with the God who is love? How do you cast out a net into the deep waters of the Soul?
In being on the receiving end of hospitality I can’t help but feel compelled to share that same hospitality with others. I want to see Christ not only in my friends but in the strangers I meet throughout the day
Each dinner I attend reinforces a new narrative. A story that reveals that unity does not mean sameness, and it is indeed possible to bridge differences without compromising your values and principles.
So, get out there and be redeemed, Jesus was the One! And when we see one another around the Kingdom, I’ll call you Betty, and you can call me Al.
From The Deseret News: “The Rev. Connie Pearson-Campbell (Episcopal Deacon) calls it a “God moment.” She says divine influence put Ralph Johnson in her path
Relics are things which beg to be pondered. They ask us to consider what these objects, images, and artifacts meant to those who created and used them, and then what relevance they have for us today.