Speaking to the Soul: Three Weeks In
… a few weeks ago we were called to the observance of a holy Lent. What does that really mean?
… a few weeks ago we were called to the observance of a holy Lent. What does that really mean?
I don’t think of wholeness as having an end or being a specific destination for which we are all striving, but rather wholeness is the journey of this life.
This encounter is for thirst quenching, for knowing and for being known.
We look through telescopes to see if we can find God, but what we find is that the universe is infinitely more expansive, more complex, and more spectacular than we could possibly have ever dreamt,..
To what aspect of the Trinity and of St. Patrick’s Breastplate can you bind yourself today, just a little more tightly than you did yesterday? What must become unbound in yourself before that can happen?
Bishop Thompson last year told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse his efforts to expose a decades-old culture of abuse and cover-ups had led to a concerted push to get rid of him.
In fact, Christ Pantocrator is a mirror. Gazing up at this image we discover that which most deeply defines us. We were created in this image – this is who we really are.
…every year, the liturgical calendar invites us to set aside forty days to be especially intentional about contemplation, growth, soul-searching, prayer, and turning. Surely, life will lead us into personal deserts that will accelerate our spiritual growth if we allow them.
I do hope my daughter feels safe, but I also hope she doesn’t stay there. With the love and hope and grace of a church community behind and with her, she can traverse this life and world speaking and living the hard truths. The necessary truths to living the Gospel.
Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.
— Matsuo Basho