Author: Episcopal Cafe

Speaking to the Soul: Saints and Sinners

So let’s all try this week to look at the bracket of Lent Madness, read the biographies of the saints proposed, and find something that we can have in common with those formerly sinful people, many who don’t have the word “saint” in front of their name. It might just be an enlightening adventure.

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Speaking to the Soul: Rest

‘Entering into rest’ makes it into an active choice; not just stopping because I am out of energy or exhausted, but because I choose rest as my activity instead of the multitude of chores, work, hobbies, or gatherings on my schedule.

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Speaking to the Soul: How’s your Lent going?

It’s my prayer that throughout Lent and in the coming months we can acknowledge the challenges and the callings of following Jesus. That we can see the brokenness in our world and respond. That we can rejoice together in our joys. That we can together sing that it is indeed a wonderful world.

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Speaking to the Soul: Naming

What is the name of the person you’ve always been but can’t quite see how it fits within yourself as you are today? How might you hear that name more clearly during Lent?

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