Author: Episcopal Cafe

Speaking to the Soul: Inheritance and Investment

Everybody loves a bargain. There’s something about a tag that says “buy one get one” that seems to be beckoning people to buy things just to get another one for 50% off or even, and maybe better, free. It encourages compulsive buying, and merchants know that.

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Speaking to the Soul: Failure and growth

How have we not learned that the transformation of dead matter (failure, death, loss) into an agent of growth is the pattern we see everywhere—from the smallest plant to the evolving cosmos continually expanding and birthing new life from the detritus of death.

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Speaking to the Soul: Be ye therefore perfect

There’s no pressure this morning to be mistake free. We can all breathe a sigh of relief because we are all going to make mistakes, probably lots of them. But we can grow towards persistence in faith, persistence in hope, and persistence in love by simply never giving up.

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