Speaking to the Soul: Abide in Me
a loving community in which we can be ourselves fully helps us to live into wholeness and freedom, into who we most deeply are.
a loving community in which we can be ourselves fully helps us to live into wholeness and freedom, into who we most deeply are.
Hearing the story of Jesus’s baptism, I am drawn to marvel at the miracle of that grace which calls us and claims us, too, as beloved children of God.
One of my on-going projects has been to encourage people to get their estates in order. As part of the work I have done on that topic I have learned how little our personal possessions mean to the friends and family we leave behind.
Naming is one of the unique ways in which humans bear the image of God. No other creature does it, not even angels.
I especially remember the first verse, “In the beginning was the Word.” It still gives me chills when I hear it because it encompasses so much — from the beginning of time until now. In the beginning was the Word, the word we know to be Jesus Christ.
Learning about God is, for me, a continuous process of setting aside assumptions. To grow spiritually, I cannot rest in what I think I know but must instead reach for new insights and new direction. Love unfolds – pushing my understanding of its limits to ever greater horizons.
Now I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I should keep going to the Bible study, but I can’t just stop showing up forever without getting asked about it.
The sad reality is that to be human, we will be betrayed–and sometimes we will be the betrayer. When we have been betrayed, we want to hold onto every bit of that hurt, for a lot longer than is good for us.
It’s almost as if the gift of Christmas is not the birth of a savior as much as it is the gift of a fellow traveler.
May your homes be warm and your relationships even warmer. May those who feel left out or sad for whatever reason find comfort in this evening. May there be peace, just for one night, in this world.