Author: John Chilton

Observations on “orthodox” Christianity

If the adjective “orthodox” is untethered from such ecumenical standards, it quickly becomes a cheap epithet we idiosyncratically attach to views and positions in order to write off those we disagree with as “heretics” and unbelievers.  If “orthodox” becomes an adjective that is unhooked from these conciliar canons, then it becomes a word we use to make sacrosanct the things that matter to “us” in order to exclude “them.”

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The Economic Consequences of the Protestant Reformation

While Protestant reformers aimed to elevate the role of religion, we find that the Reformation produced rapid economic secularization. The interaction between religious competition and political economy explains the shift in investments in human and fixed capital away from the religious sector.

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New Hampshire Episcopal school in the news again over sexual assault allegations

Police first learned about the relationship map in late September 2016 after receiving a call from a concerned parent who reported her 14-year-old daughter may have been sexually assaulted during the 2015-16 school year, records show. The girl’s mother said St. Paul’s Dean of Students Aaron Marsh told her about the school’s internal investigation into the map, which included her daughter’s name.

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Triangle of Hope: Kumasi (in Ghana), Virginia and Liverpool

Each one of our Dioceses was directly involved in the dreadful Slave Triangle. We remember and acknowledge with sorrow that human beings were captured and enslaved for financial gain with no regard for their dignity and humanity. We view this history with great pain and in penitence before God, the God who wills in Christ to bring freedom and justice for all.

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