Author: John Chilton

Holy Spirit stirring in ACNA Pittsburgh diocese?

Despite Duncan’s caution, the special convention came very close to creating a crisis in ACNA. A significant portion of clergy and lay voted for a candidate whose behavior violated the “teaching about the life-long permanence of Holy Matrimony” as delivered by the ACNA College of Bishops.

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GAFCON Council says Episcopal Church defied communion’s primates

“We went to Canterbury out of a desire for unity. In our hearts we desire to see the tear in the fabric of the communion mended. The sanctions passed at that meeting were the mildest possible rebuke to only the worst of the offenders, but they were one step in the right direction. Regrettably, these sanctions have not been upheld.”

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Tubman will be the face of the $20 bill

In 1995, preaching on a text from the Book of Exodus, Father Curry reminded the congregation that Harriet Tubman is remembered as “the Moses of her people” for her role in freeing slaves. “There’s always a new Pharaoh,” Father Curry said. “He takes many disguises . . . making slaves of the children of God.”

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Welby at closing of ACC-16: “Consequences of Primates meeting have been fully implemented”

“Given that my report, referred to in the resolution, incorporated the Communiqué and was very explicit on consequences; the resolution clearly supports and accepts all the Primates’ Meeting conclusions. No member of the Episcopal Church stood for office in the ACC or Standing Committee. The consequences of the Primates meeting have been fully implemented.” – Archbishop of Canterbury at the conclusion of ACC-16

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Church Times Leader: “dogged individualism a strength of Anglicanism”

The centuries-long suspicion of prelacy in the Anglican character could be seen as an openness to this other aspect of the Spirit, and is manifested not only here in the UK but also overseas, as we have seen in Kenya in recent days. The desire to be united around the world will hold the Communion together, but it will always be in tension with a dogged individualism that is one of the strengths of Anglicanism. – Church Times editorial

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