Author: John Chilton

GAFCON leader on the ABC’s suggestion of a looser communion

“… the Communion is becoming a source of weakness as Churches which have rejected the truth as Anglicans have received it spread false teaching, yet continue to enjoy full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury.” – Gafcon Chairman Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya

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Gafcon issues reply to ABC’s invitation to meeting of primates

“The Gafcon primates have previously advised the Archbishop of Canterbury that they would not attend any meeting at which The Episcopal Church of the United States or the Anglican Church of Canada were represented, nor would they attend any meeting from which the Anglican Church in North America was excluded.” – Gafcon Statement

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Medieval library chains

General view of part of the Library attached to the Church of S. Wallberg at Zutphen.“Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods Figure 2” by

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