Immigration and the church
The religious community is uniquely positioned to serve as a bridge across our differences on immigration and become a source of healing and reconciliation…
The religious community is uniquely positioned to serve as a bridge across our differences on immigration and become a source of healing and reconciliation…
Anglicans Online asks whether the Communion is becoming like Facebook or another social networking site with people adding and deleting each other at will. The
The Church of England has compiled a post-Christmas debt check for consumers worried about how much their wallets have been hit by Christmas and New
The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Fort Worth has determined that there were no wise women visiting the infant Jesus and has sent out
The Anglican Journal of Canada reports on the meeting and plans of the breakaway Anglican Network of Canada. According to the article by Solange de
During Christmastide the Presiding Bishop made two appearances via podcast and radio. One with State of Belief on Air America is available now on podcast
Religion writers recently named their top ten religious news stories of the year. Their list differs from Time Magazines’ top ten. The Anglican Journal notes:
How do I blog without losing something important in my soul? For now, this is my answer: I must blog less, and do more long-view writing that generates joy — both in my life and, I hope, in the lives of my readers.
As a pastor, I am a nurturer. I am there to help the people. In times of sorrow, I weep with them. In happy times, I celebrate with them. I can celebrate a birth in the morning and be at a funeral in the afternoon. It can all happen in a 24-hour period. It can be emotional.
The key message of Christmas is that God in Jesus commits to dignifying and transforming human ordinariness, not to fantasies about a super-hero figure or