Author: John B. Chilton

Soup kitchen saves a church [CORRECTED]

This is one of those man bites dog stories:

“We owe our existence as a parish to the Soup Kitchen,” says the Rev. William A. Greenlaw, rector of Holy Apostles’ (Chelsea, NYC). “It has put us on the map. Many who are now vestry members began as Soup Kitchen volunteers.”

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GOP senator investigates prosperity gospel ministries

Grassley, who in recent years has forced changes in such nonprofit organizations as the American Red Cross, the Nature Conservancy, American University and the Smithsonian Institution, said in a statement that the allegations involve such amenities as private jets and Rolls-Royces. He has also asked for credit card records, clothing and jewelry expenses and any cosmetic surgery expenses.

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Leveraging Lambeth

Is the agenda for Lambeth in play? Archbishop Rowan Williams has said Lambeth 2008 will not be a business meeting, but a gathering to build

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The Episcopal Church enters the home building business

“By the end of the first year of operations, Unity Homes expects to have produced 250 houses and employ 70 people,” Vallette said. “Within three years, we plan to be building at least 500 houses per year, with a production and field staff of over 125 people.” Unity Homes is a nonprofit business that partners with Episcopal Relief and Development, the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi and Enterprise Corporation of the Delta.

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Executive Council responds to the draft covenant

Our study process has led us to the conclusion that The Episcopal Church, as with the Executive Council, is not of one mind as to the efficacy of this particular Draft Covenant in either form or content. Furthermore, some parts of the Covenant have received broad endorsement within The Episcopal Church, whereas other parts have engendered vigorous debate and opposition.

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Where is the Christian in Halloween?

We borrowed Samhain from the Celts and kept it the night before All Saints’ Day. A number of our feast days, like Christmas and Easter, have their origins in pagan worship. For that matter, we borrowed Good Friday from Yom Kippur, and Advent from Rosh Hosannah. The early Christians had to choose what to do with the faiths that preceded them wherever they were. Most wound up grafting new traditions upon the old.

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Proposed property protocol

Bishop Howe of Central Florida: “The Diocese is bound to work within the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church which state that a Parish holds in trust all real and personal property for the benefit of the Diocese and The Episcopal Church. … We cannot and will not abandon those who wish to remain as members of The Episcopal Church and we will work diligently to determine whether in fact there is a sufficient number of Episcopalians in a given congregation to constitute a viable continuing congregation able to meet and worship in its own current facilities.”

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Loyalists in Network dioceses seek assistance

Loyalist Episcopalians in dioceses affiliated with the Anglican Communion Network feel isolated and lack access to important information to help them plan for their future, said Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, during brief introductory remarks to Executive Council, Oct. 26 in Dearborn, Michigan. Many of the questions relate to how these persons will remain connected if their dioceses realize plans to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church.

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