A little more McFerrin
Bobby McFerrin sings Fix Me Jesus, courtesy of Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.
Bobby McFerrin sings Fix Me Jesus, courtesy of Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.
Bobby McFerrin talks with Kim Lawton of Religion & Ethics Newsweekly about music for spiritual journey, and remembers wanting to be an Anglican monk.
The United Nations recently released a report on “Child-Well Being in Rich Countries.” Of the 29 countries surveyed, the United States was ranked 26th. The
The Most Rev. Jacob Erasto Chimeledya was enthroned on Saturday as the new primate of the Church of Tanzania. Bella Zulu reports that 3,000 people
The Rev. Jan Naylor Cope, vicar of Washington National Cathedral, illustrated her Pentecost sermon with this video. We aren’t going to tell you what she
Timothy Noah, author of The Great Divergence: America’s Growing Inequality Crisis And What We Can Do About It says factors that have enriched the top
Bishop Eugene Sutton of the Diocese of Maryland is featured in a new advertisement celebrating that state’s new gun laws.
Andrew Brown of the Guardian published an essay yesterday citing some of the reasons that the Church of England is in a decline from which
Make hard decisions – Don’t be naive. Growth brings change. Change brings momentum. And as exciting as that can be not everyone will be excited about it. If you are going to achieve the vision you’ll have to be willing to stand the test of time. That won’t be easy.
From the Bakersfield Californian: