After Boston: finding your people, saying prayers
The Episcopal Church can feel like a place of only one or two degrees of separation on those days when a tragedy strikes, and everyone
The Episcopal Church can feel like a place of only one or two degrees of separation on those days when a tragedy strikes, and everyone
Francine Wheeler, whose son Ben was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, pleaded for common sense legislation to reduce gun violence in the President’s weekly radio address this morning. The Wheelers are members of Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown, Connecticut.
Francine Wheeler, whose son Ben was among the children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, will give the presidential radio address this weekend. The Wheelers
The archbishop of Detroit, Allen Vigneron, said Sunday that Catholics who receive Communion while advocating gay marriage would “logically bring shame for a double-dealing that is not unlike perjury.
Cathy Lynn Grossman writes: Pastor Rick Warren, the best-known name in American evangelism after Rev. Billy Graham, lost his 27-year-old son, Matthew, to suicide on
The next 48 hours are critical for gun violence prevention, as the U.S. Senate returns to Washington and could begin to vote on these bills as soon as Tuesday afternoon. There are two very specific ways you can help.
Yet what these Christians and Nike mistake in common is what Tiger and those who take the Way of the Cross seriously know best: the road to winning is filled with more self-learning, falling, failing, judgment, support from others, death, and personal inner growth than could ever be imagined.
In a story of surprising theological depth, the Richmond Times Dispatch examines the question of why American churches are racially segregated, and whether one can
We are tipping our collective cap this Easter Monday afternoon to Bishop Dorsey McConnell and Andy Muhl of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. They did a great Ash Wednesday video, and now they are back with an Easter message.
I gave a talk on the apparent death of Christian England in the glorious medieval church at Evesham, and when I said that it was impossible to go back to the 50s or 60s, someone angry in the audience wanted to know why time travel wouldn’t work. That was what he thought the church should do, and must do if it was to get back to health.