Author: John B. Chilton

The NRA evangelizes the next generation

Threatened by long-term declining participation in shooting sports, the firearms industry has poured millions of dollars into a broad campaign to ensure its future by getting guns into the hands of more, and younger, children.

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Mark Silk: Bishop v Bishop in Rhode Island

I have seen what St. Paul describes as the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in the married lives of two men and of two women. I have seen relationships that are loving, mutual, and monogamous and that have lasted a lifetime.

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Economic inequality, one of MLK’s main concerns, is still with us

Martin Luther King, Jr., died before he could lead the Poor People’s Campaign. Forty-five years later, poverty continues to flourish in our wealthy nation. Writing in The New York Times, Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stigliz argues that even viewed in strictly economic terms, economic inequalities have begun to undermine the promise of American life

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On PBS, Bishop Budde discusses mood of country, Obama’s first term

So my sense is that the task now isn’t so much to speak to the middle but to, in fact, help create a middle where there it’s so much easier for us to stay in our isolated areas with people who think like us, and the president’s task and the tasks of communities of faith is, in fact, to create that common ground where we can find the compromises that we need to make to go forward.

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