Author: John B. Chilton

How Sewanee made its policy on same-sex blessings

“An absolute yes or an absolute no was just not possible,” McCardell said. The college feared its chapel could become a sort of Las Vegas for blessings of gay unions — an end-run for couples whose bishops wouldn’t permit the rite in their own diocese.

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+Welby needs a new twitter handle

If his handlers at Lambeth Castle allow him to go on tweeting, @Bishopofdurham is going need a new handle. Do the readers of Episcopal Cafe have some helpful suggestions?

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Cokesbury to close its brick and mortar retail outlets

The United Methodist Publishing House announced it would begin closing its 38 full-line stores and 19 seminary bookstores, in order to sell books exclusively through its Web site,, its Cokesbury Call Center, at conferences and meetings, and through church events. The board of directors of UMPH cited growing sales through those channels and declining sales in its physical stores as the reason for the move. A recent survey by the organization revealed only 15 percent of customers purchasing books in the stores. Cokesbury handles retailing for Church Publishing.

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Water bill owed by Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A clergyman from the church built on the site where Jesus Christ is said to have been crucified said Friday that its bank account has been frozen as the result of a long-standing dispute with an Israeli water company. Its account was blocked two weeks ago, making it impossible to pay stipends of some 500 priests and monks, 2,000 teachers and the running costs of over 30 Christian schools that the church runs in the Palestinian territories and Jordan, church spokesman Issa Musleh said.

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Presiding Bishop asks candidates to address Israeli-Palestinian conflict

As each of you prepares for the two remaining presidential debates, I write to urge you to use the debate forum to articulate strong support for a just and peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as a clear plan for how you would work to support that goal in the next four years. – The Presiding Bishop

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Archbishop of Canterbury speaks to Roman Catholic Synod of Bishops

The Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the “Thirteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith”. The “new evangelization” is directed principally at those who, though baptized, have drifted away from the Church and live without reference to the Christian life.

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Designer clergywear is spreading

The fashion show involves work from the likes of Juliet Hemingray, Hayes and Finch, Cross Designs and J&M Sewing, the last a Royal Warrant firm in Newcastle upon Tyne whose motto, ‘There’s always time for courtesy’, goes with a small history by the two women founders. It’s called You had us in stitches.

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