Author: John B. Chilton

What we can infer given the CNC’s voting method?

One former member of the panel said the new Archbishop was being chosen by a process of elimination. Once a number of candidates have been chosen, they are ranked in order of preference by members in a blind vote. The name with the least votes drops out. The panel then votes again, and again, until one man has the 11 votes necessary for a two-thirds majority.

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Your homicide risk depends on your social network

In the high crime Chicago neighborhood studied, social distance to a homicide victim is negatively and strongly associated with individual victimization: each social tie removed from a homicide victim decreases one’s odds of being a homicide victim by approximately 57 percent.

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My experience at the installation of Archbishop Cordileone

An archdiocesan employee attempted to escort me upstairs with the Greek Orthodox group, but was stopped from doing so by the employee to whom I had first identified myself. This person, who appeared to be in a superior role, instructed another employee to stand with me. At this point no other guests remained in the downstairs area. – Bishop Andrus

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Woman ordained in UAE Anglican Church

The first Anglican priest to be ordained in the country made history on two fronts yesterday – she was also among the first women to be ordained in the Arabian Gulf. Jo Henderson, 49, was welcomed at St Andrew’s Church by dozens of Christians from around the United Arab Emirates.

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How to win the war on poverty? Redistribute

“When Meyer and Sullivan looked at poorer families’ consumption rather than income, accounted for changes in the tax code that benefit the poor, and included “noncash benefits” such as food stamps and government-provided medical care, they found poverty fell 12.5 percentage points between 1972 and 2010.” I come away wondering if when you put it all together the Great Society has failed because it has failed to be transformative: just as many people are unable to earn a good income and support themselves.

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Group accuses UMC bishop, veteran of civil rights, of urging disobedience

“The derogatory rules and restrictions in the Book of Discipline are immoral and unjust and no longer deserve our loyalty and obedience,” Bishop Talbert said in May…. “Thus the time has come for those of us who are faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ to do what is required of us. . . . The time has come to join in an act of biblical obedience.” The Book of Discipline, the denomination’s law book, says the practice of homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.”

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