Reactions to TREC presentation continues
Kyle Matthew Oliver, in VTS’ Key Resources blog, writes on two points from the TREC meeting, including “the contractor thing”:
Kyle Matthew Oliver, in VTS’ Key Resources blog, writes on two points from the TREC meeting, including “the contractor thing”:
Mark Oppenheimer, in Tablet Magazine, extensively interviews The Rev. Bruce Shipman, the former chaplain of the Episcopal Church at Yale University, who in a letter
Episcopal News Service carries the Anglican Communion News Service story: The priests of the Anglican Diocese of Kumasi, Ghana, issued their challenge after a workshop
From Episcopal News Service:
From the GTS News website:
The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear any of the Marriage Equality decisions of the lower courts will quickly add states who will now have
These words are not too surprising for someone to say about the Episcopal Church, or any organized group. Usually, in doing so, the “I’m” refers
Updated The Associated Press, which had a reporter at yesterday’s chapel service, has filed a report on the controversy at the General Theological Seminary, and
The Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church has its “Churchwide Meeting” tomorrow night, October 2nd. Here is the schedule from their website: All times
ESPN’s reports: Husain Abdullah should not have received a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty after dropping to his knees and bowing in prayer following a 39-yard interception