What Does the Spirit Sound Like?
“Whether it’s Good Night Moon, The Nonsense Show, or the Book of Micah, the words found within are meant to inspire. And all stories point us to the Word in whom we all live and breathe and have our being.”
“I’m hoping she senses a deeper purpose for being at church.”
“Thanks to my daughter’s godmothers I remembered the power of others being community for my children.”
“I know you are with me if I just pay attention.”
“And so in spring’s theology we are taught that waiting is never wasted…”
The days say to us: Enter. Come experience. Come live. Come savor. These days are ours to know. Ours to enter. Ours to walk.
The music draws me in. As I walk up the steps I hear the music playing. The music welcoming me with its melody. The sounds reminding me of churches past and the organ music that kept playing. The music that always keeps singing.
“God’s got the whole world in his hands.” I could see the congregation singing along with them. Smiling, too. Needing the reminder. Needing the children’s hope and joy. Their sense of innocence. Their future.